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Some useful contents about Check-in DOG
More services for your customers with Check-in DOG
As we visited a groomer, the operator of a highly elegant grooming parlour in the Paris suburbs, the lady made a very interesting remark that we would like to share with you. We had been discussing the way in which she dealt with her appointments and kept her customer records. ...
Bringing a customer file to life
Groomers still reticent to use computers, but anxious, however to monitor their clientele in a serious and professional manner, achieve this by means of a long and tedious recording procedure using cards, on the basis of one card per customer or, more reasonably, per dog. ...
Why a grooming parlour management softawre? What advantages for a professional groomer?
To understand all the advantages to use a software to manage a grooming parlour ...
Your appointments on the cloud
Grooming parlour management software Check-in DOG : your datas are secured in a cloud and more services are offered to develop your business ...